Starting from the Problem – A Better Way to Build Products (Pt 2)
It's important to validate big decisions -- like what problem space you are tackling -- before worrying about tactics. POST helps us center our thinking around big assumptions before diving into the details.

Starting from the Problem – A Better Way to Build Products (Pt 1)
When we optimize too early, we end up stuck at the top of a hill. POST helps us scan the terrain for big opportunities before we build, so we can spend more time on mountains.

Problem Solving 101
A good structured problem solving approach can help you make better decisions faster and more often. And it is the single most important skill that you can have in the tech industry.

The Product Checklist™
The Product Checklist™ is intended to add the minimum possible process to a team's pre-production phase, while still ensuring that critical parts of the plan are in place before the team goes off and starts building things.

5 Ways to Be a Better Problem Solver
Problem solving is one of the most important skills in tech. Actively practicing these skills and reflecting on your progress can give you leg up in your work.